Holy Week
Sun, 24 Mar 2024 – Sat, 30 Mar 2024
Holy Week in Three Minutes
Palm Sunday
“My Father, if it is possible, take this cup of suffering from me! Yet not what I want, but what you want.” Matthew 26: 39
During Holy Week, we embark on the journey of the cross. Allocating time for prayer, scripture reading, and quiet reflection before the Lord will bring profound blessings.
Lord Jesus, you bore the weight of our sins on the cross. Help me embrace the significance of the cross and humbly honour you, the crucified and resurrected Saviour. Amen
God's Story: Palm Sunday
On Palm Sunday, we remember the time Jesus entered Jerusalem.
Monday of Holy Week
“She had to keep this scent for the day of my burial.” John 12:1-11
Mary had preserved the jar of precious nard, intending to anoint Jesus' feet and then tenderly wiped them with her hair. Her act was a solemn preparation for Jesus' burial.
Lord, instil in me a spirit of generosity, prompting me to share my time, love, and serve others selflessly, without concern for the cost. Amen.
Tuesday of Holy Week
After he had said this, Jesus was troubled in spirit and testified, “Very truly I tell you, one of you is going to betray me.” John 13: 21-33, 36-38
Peter vowed to sacrifice his life for the Lord, yet when the rooster crowed, he confronted his own cowardice as he betrayed Jesus. His tears of repentance, akin to the cleansing waters of Baptism, ushered him into new life. Subsequently, he emerged as a steadfast pillar of faith.
Lord, while we await Jesus' promised return, the timing of which remains unknown, grant us the readiness to welcome Him when He summons us. Amen.
Wednesday of Holy Week
“He who has dipped his hand in the dish will betray me.” Matthew 26: 14-25
What prompted Judas to betray Jesus? He grappled with confusion and weakness, traits that resonate within us as well. When we deviate from our values and beliefs, when we exemplify poor behaviour or use inappropriate language, we too betray the Lord. Yet, we find solace in the knowledge that we can turn back to the Lord, confident in His mercy and forgiveness.
Lord, may our hearts be infused with a profound love for You. Amen.
Maundy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s Supper
“You also ought to wash one another’s feet.” John 13: 1-15
Even under the most favourable circumstances, washing someone's feet can be challenging and humbling. In the cultural context of Israel during that era, such a lowly chore was typically assigned to the lowest servants. Through His actions, Jesus exemplified that we are all called to serve one another. Today, we are summoned to extend our service to the nearby impoverished as well as those in distant lands.
Lord, bestow upon me the grace to serve the impoverished and those in need with a willing and open heart. Amen.
Remember Me - Maundy Thursday
Dan and Emily's offering for #MaundyThursday as we unite as #OneChurchatHome remembering those words Jesus said to us. 'Do This in Memory of Me' #HolyWeek
God's Story: The Last Supper
A pivotal moment in God's story is the Last Supper. It marked Jesus' final meal with his disciples before his crucifixion.
Good Friday – Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
“It is finished.” John 19:30
Today is a day of goodness and blessings, as God's mercy shines forth fully on the cross. Let us gaze upon the cross, where He demonstrated His love for all. As Jesus hung, bled, and died, it was God's declaration to the world: "I love you."
Almighty and eternal God, on this sacred and blessed day, we rejoice and honour the cross, where the Saviour of the world died and redeemed us. Amen.
Soul of Christ - Good Friday
GoodFriday #OneChurchatHome #HolyWeek
The Story of Easter (Jesus' Sacrifice)
Holy Saturday
“And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshipped him.” Matthew 28: 1-10
This is a holy and sacred day when we wait patiently and silently at the Lord’s tomb. There is excitement in the air; we sense the Holy Spirit moving amongst us, preparing us for the joy of Easter.
Almighty God, restore us to life by your death and resurrection. Have mercy on all our loved ones who have died and on those who have no one to pray for them on this day. Amen.
Easter Sunday
“He saw and believed.” John 20: 1-9
The resurrection of Jesus demonstrates that no obstacle is insurmountable, no challenge too daunting, and nothing, absolutely nothing, can sever us from the love of God. The joy of the resurrection inundates our hearts!
Lord, as the brilliance of your resurrection emerges, may our Easter alleluia resound with fresh joy and hope. Amen.
Because He is Risen | Easter Church Video